Friday, 23 January 2015

"T-rex" Modeling

MudBox - Probably my favourite software now :D

I really like the work flow in this software. I would probably need to work more with it to be more precise with the work I do on it but I found it pretty easy and convenient when making the abomination above.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Second Week of Life Drawing

 Life Drawing

Another Session another sets of Improvements :D

I noticed that certain poses take me longer to draw the others, I think its especially to do with the side profiles of the body and I think I should focus on those.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Muscle Studies xD

I done some initial research on muscles how they work and what the differences between female and male bodies are when regarding to muscles.

Friday, 9 January 2015

Lizard :D

Another Feng Zhu related lesson :D
So we Started with one of the Feng Zhu's Examples of Work

We then rendered his drawing with smooth gradients.

After roughly rendering the skin we separated the armour from the body.

The we followed the gradients with textures.

I found that the textures perfectly followed the smooth gradients which makes this work
flow really easy to apply to allot of designs to quickly get high level of detail in your design .

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Life Drawing Week 1 After Christmas :D

Life Drawing 1st Week after Christmas Break

Studies from life help allot with my spacial awareness. How close/far should different body parts be and how they correspond to the surrounding.
With each life drawing session I feel like my feeling of space is improving and I can draw with more confidence.

Monday, 5 January 2015

Christmas Break Work 2014 :D

Glider Design :D
I like how the Glider came out. Its probably not practical in the real world,
but could work in fantasy.
The question is how far can I push the designs? so they are not completely
out of this reality/ But do they have to be? Do they have to really on the
physics of real world?

Body Study / Character design
I pushed the curves slightly to show the feminine side of this character.
While posing her in an aggressive stance.
I feel like the upper body is a bit small when compared to the rest of the body
and her face feels flat.
I wanted her to have the look of a fighter from underground.

I noticed most of my Studies up to this point focused on the proportions of the body
so over the Christmas break I decided to look more in to the characters facial 
expressions and their face/hair designs. I spent small amount of time on other 
details like outfits.

I still looked at how the female and male bodies differ but I also looked at them in 
closer detail like face and hair.

Other than bodies I studied composition, to be more specific how would 
I place the character in the scene.

I though I done fair enough of studies and I feel like I'm improving bit by bit.