Monday, 5 January 2015

Christmas Break Work 2014 :D

Glider Design :D
I like how the Glider came out. Its probably not practical in the real world,
but could work in fantasy.
The question is how far can I push the designs? so they are not completely
out of this reality/ But do they have to be? Do they have to really on the
physics of real world?

Body Study / Character design
I pushed the curves slightly to show the feminine side of this character.
While posing her in an aggressive stance.
I feel like the upper body is a bit small when compared to the rest of the body
and her face feels flat.
I wanted her to have the look of a fighter from underground.

I noticed most of my Studies up to this point focused on the proportions of the body
so over the Christmas break I decided to look more in to the characters facial 
expressions and their face/hair designs. I spent small amount of time on other 
details like outfits.

I still looked at how the female and male bodies differ but I also looked at them in 
closer detail like face and hair.

Other than bodies I studied composition, to be more specific how would 
I place the character in the scene.

I though I done fair enough of studies and I feel like I'm improving bit by bit.

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