Thursday, 26 March 2015

3D Model Assigment

This terms assignment is to model a character using the techniques we learned 
in the modeling of the T-rex base mesh.
I was given the character orthographic views and I was to model and texture it.

I started modeling with the feet.
I feel like added 1 too many edge loops which led me to 
have more complicated struggles with the rest of the body.

Although I had more vertices to move around I found 
allocating the shape to the design not that hard to do.

I had no problems extruding the arms to the sides and creation of the shoulders.
I had more trouble creating the hands, as I decided that 3 fingers don't look good to me 
so I decided to do 5 ,which wasn't the best of ideas.

After completing the hands I went on to extruding the head.

Instead of extruding the edges I extruded a face up and added 
edge loops to it and started moving the around to fit the shape of the head.
I feel like there must be a better way of doing this.

I then unwrapped the character a placed the unwrap in to 
to Photoshop where I extracted colours from the orthographic views.

The things I'm satisfied is that the body fits the orthographic view.
I'm not really keen on how the head looks in terms of shape.
More practice on modeling shall help me proceed xD

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